Rが0.5, Gが0.5, Bが0がデフォルトの状態なので、黄色Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0f)がデフォルトの状態。
/// <summary> /// 移動方向に馴染ませる。 /// </summary> void Blend() { for (int y = 0; y < this.rainTex.height; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < this.rainTex.width; ++x) { Color c = this.rainTex.GetPixel(x, y); c = Color.Lerp(c, this.orgColor, 0.1f * (1f - c.b + 0.05f)); this.rainTex.SetPixel(x, y, c); } } }
using UnityEngine; public class RainMakaer : MonoBehaviour { /// <summary> /// マウスの移動奇跡を記録しているテクスチャを表示したい場合に設定。 /// </summary> [SerializeField] Renderer previewRenderer; /// <summary> /// マテリアルとテクスチャ。 /// </summary> Material material; Texture2D rainTex; /// <summary> /// 雨粒の半径。 /// </summary> [SerializeField] float dropR = 6f; /// <summary> /// ベースの色。 /// </summary> Color orgColor = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0f); /// <summary> /// Start. /// </summary> void Start() { this.material = this.GetComponent<Renderer>().material; this.rainTex = new Texture2D(400, 400); this.rainTex.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Repeat; // 色を埋める Color[] lineColors = new Color[this.rainTex.width]; for (int i = 0; i < lineColors.Length; ++i) lineColors[i] = this.orgColor; for (int y = 0; y < this.rainTex.height; ++y) this.rainTex.SetPixels(0, y, this.rainTex.width, 1, lineColors); this.rainTex.Apply(); // テクスチャ設定 this.material.SetTexture("_TransTex", this.rainTex); this.material.SetTextureScale("_TransTex", new Vector3(1f, this.transform.localScale.y / this.transform.localScale.x)); // プレビューする場合 if (this.previewRenderer != null) this.previewRenderer.material.mainTexture = this.rainTex; } /// <summary> /// Update. /// </summary> void Update() { if (Time.frameCount % 10 == 0) this.Blend(); this.DropRain(Random.Range(0, this.rainTex.width + 1), Random.Range(0, this.rainTex.height + 1), 10); this.rainTex.Apply(); } /// <summary> /// 移動方向に馴染ませる。 /// </summary> void Blend() { for (int y = 0; y < this.rainTex.height; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < this.rainTex.width; ++x) { Color c = this.rainTex.GetPixel(x, y); c = Color.Lerp(c, this.orgColor, 0.1f * (1f - c.b + 0.05f)); this.rainTex.SetPixel(x, y, c); } } } /// <summary> /// 雨粒を落とす。 /// </summary> void DropRain(int centerX, int centerY, int num = 1) { float r = this.dropR * Random.Range(0.75f, 1.25f); for (int n = 0; n < num; ++n) { for (int y = (int)-r; y <= r; ++y) { for (int x = (int)-r; x <= r; ++x) { int ptX = centerX + x; int ptY = centerY + y; float distance = Mathf.Sqrt(x * x + y * y); if (distance < r) { float moveX = 0.5f * (x / r); float moveY = 0.5f * (y / r); float moveZ = (distance / r); Color c; Color currentC = this.rainTex.GetPixel(ptX, ptY); c = new Color(moveX + 0.5f, moveY + 0.5f, moveZ); // 青はエッジになるので一定以上の場合は0にしてしまう if (currentC.b > 0.2f) c.b = Mathf.Min(currentC.b, c.b); this.rainTex.SetPixel(ptX, ptY, c); } } } } } }
Shader "Rain" { Properties { _Color ("Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1) _RainContrast ("Contrast", Range(0.0, 1.0)) = 0.15 _MainTex ("Albedo (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {} _TransTex ("Translation (RGB)", 2D) = "white" {} _Glossiness ("Smoothness", Range(0,1)) = 0.5 _Metallic ("Metallic", Range(0,1)) = 0.0 } SubShader { Tags { "RenderType" = "Transparent" "Queue" = "Transparent" } LOD 200 GrabPass{} CGPROGRAM // Physically based Standard lighting model, and enable shadows on all light types #pragma surface surf Standard fullforwardshadows alpha // Use shader model 3.0 target, to get nicer looking lighting #pragma target 3.0 sampler2D _MainTex; struct Input { float2 uv_MainTex; float2 uv_TransTex; float4 screenPos; }; half _Glossiness; half _Metallic; fixed4 _Color; sampler2D _GrabTexture; sampler2D _TransTex; float _RainContrast; // Add instancing support for this shader. You need to check 'Enable Instancing' on materials that use the shader. // See for more information about instancing. // #pragma instancing_options assumeuniformscaling UNITY_INSTANCING_CBUFFER_START(Props) // put more per-instance properties here UNITY_INSTANCING_CBUFFER_END /// RGB to YCbCr fixed3 RGB2YCbCr(fixed3 c) { return fixed3( 0.256788 * c.r + 0.504129 * c.g + 0.097906 * c.b + 0.0625, -0.148223 * c.r - 0.290993 * c.g + 0.439216 * c.b + 0.5, 0.439216 * c.r - 0.367788 * c.g - 0.071427 * c.b + 0.5 ); } // YCbCr to RGB fixed3 YCbCr2RGB(fixed3 yCbCr) { float c = yCbCr.r - 0.0625; float d = yCbCr.g - 0.5; float e = yCbCr.b - 0.5; return fixed3( 1.164383 * c + 1.596027 * e, 1.164383 * c - (0.391762 * d) - (0.812968 * e), 1.164383 * c + 2.017232 * d ); } // surface void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutputStandard o) { float2 transUV = IN.uv_TransTex; float3 transC = tex2D(_TransTex, transUV).rgb; float adjTrans = 0.25f * (transC.b - 0.5); // capture float2 grabUV = (IN.screenPos.xy / IN.screenPos.w); grabUV.x += adjTrans * (transC.r - 0.5); grabUV.y += adjTrans * (transC.g - 0.5); fixed3 grabC = tex2D(_GrabTexture, grabUV).rgb; // main color fixed4 c = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv_MainTex) * _Color; // contrast fixed3 YCbCr = RGB2YCbCr(grabC); float luminance = YCbCr.r; float contrastAdj = transC.b; float histMax = 1.0 - _RainContrast * contrastAdj; float histMin = _RainContrast * contrastAdj; if (contrastAdj > 0.0) { float histRatio = 1.0 / (histMax - histMin); luminance = max(histMin, luminance); luminance = min(histMax, luminance); luminance = (luminance - histMin) * histRatio; YCbCr.r = (1.0 - transC.b * _RainContrast) * luminance; } grabC = YCbCr2RGB(YCbCr); o.Albedo = grabC * c; // Metallic and smoothness come from slider variables o.Metallic = _Metallic; o.Smoothness = _Glossiness; o.Alpha = 1; } ENDCG } FallBack "Diffuse" }